This blog still exists? Let’s catch up on what I’ve been up to, what I have going on and the latest Ork tease from GW at 2018 Warhammer Fest Europe.
Read moreCatching Up and New Ork Models

This blog still exists? Let’s catch up on what I’ve been up to, what I have going on and the latest Ork tease from GW at 2018 Warhammer Fest Europe.
Read moreInspired by a post over on BoLS, I’d like to make a few 40K new year resolutions. This is the first time I’m doing this so, hold on to your butts: – Play at least
Read moreThough I had a ton of GW models on my wish list, the wife came through and pulled off the old “Orks-Wrapped-In-Dockers-To-Throw-Me-Off-The-Scent” trick. It worked. In the present was a box of Loota/Burna Boyz
Read moreSo I kind of went on a gluing rampage this morning. I had a fresh box of boyz and a grip of loota/burna bits come in from eBay, tempting me with every glance at the
Read moreI don’t consider myself clumsy by any means and am abnormally safe when it comes to knives or other sharp objects… but last Friday, my luck turned for the worse. While trimming the pewter excess
Read moreOne downside to starting from zero is not having a massive library of bits. For those not in the know, “bits” are the leftover items on the sprues of the model you just finished building.
Read moreSo this is the first post, eh? Nothing really constructive or interesting other than to say I’m here and that more posts, pics, battle reports, etc will follow. I personally find posts way more interesting
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