What Ork player doesn’t love looted wagons? Before you answer that, consider their versatility, point cost and creative orky outlet they provide. If you still aren’t sold, then I weep for your orky soul.
Now then.. onto a series of posts I plan to make on my attempt at converting Rhinos into Ork looted wagons. Welcome to part 1. In this part… nothing too interesting, just laying the ground work on what models I plan to convert, materials I plan on utilizing.
The Plan
The master plan is to convert 3 Chaos Space Marine Rhinos purchased from my local GW shop, Dark Forest Games, into Looted Wagons that have the option of being dedicated transports or pack a boom gun.
The Materials
I plan on using various thickness of sheet styrene (plasticard) to Orkify the Rhinos as well as create turrets and cannons from scratch. I want these turrets to have the ability to be removed in case they are blown-off or when the looted wagons are used as transports… so magnets? I’ve never used them before in modeling so it should be interesting.
I’ve sourced the models, now I just need to source the sheet styrene. I’m looking at various online retailers but shipping is doubling the material cost almost instantly. At some point I plan on heading to the local hobby stores to see what I can find. NYS tax is the devil but hopefully it won’t hit as hard as shipping charges.