Back when I first started, I snapped up any and all Boyz that my budget could handle. Through a couple of sharp deals, I landed a grip of Assault on Black Reach Orks and down the rabbit hole I went. Being that they were all slugga-choppa Boyz and we were in the throngs of 6th edition where shoota Boyz were all the rage, a bunch of them were converted… not well, but converted none the less. That’s where the Boyz in this post came from, my initial batch of AoBR. I started painting them but realized I had no idea how to paint well, so back into the bin they went. Fast forward to today, I found these guys in the early stages of paint and decided that 6 years of being in half-painted hell was long enough. I finished them up as Badmoonz even though the Kulture really doesn’t benefit a melee unit. Going forward, pretty sure my melee focused Boyz/Nobz will be painted with a more favorable Klan Kulture, Evil Sunz maybe, but who knows. Enjoy the gallery below (FYI: I also posted a condensed version of front and rear pics on my Twitter and Instagram) and let me know what you think.