I started 40K back when my daughter was only 3 but she has always showed interest in “Papa’s guys”. Whenever I paint, she always asks what I’m working on and offers suggestions, paint selections and to sort my paint collection. She’s always been a crafting kid and soon she’ll be starting to paint her own Boyz, but we’ll have to see how all that pans out. Now at 8, she’s ready to take command and lead the Orks across the stars!
She really has never seen me play a game but we have a table setup in my home office. She came to me a few days ago and asked if I would be open to teaching her how to play, which I excitedly replied yes. To keep it simple, she played Orks (the army I know best) and I played World Eaters (the army I barely know) at power level 50. She was making crazy awesome dice rolls and I botched WE rules hard but it didn’t matter. This was pure quality time that resulted in many laughs and hammered home how much she liked the game. My daughter is sold on Orks, which I get is probably her just wanting to be like me, but with the new codex on the horizon, she’ll be in good hands for a while and have a significant edge on my World Eaters.
I didn’t take too many photos as I was wrapped up in iPads, rules, dice and explaining everything. Her smile throughout was intoxicating and I can’t wait for the next game.

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