One of my local games stores, Dark Forest Games, specializes in selling few second-hand models. Their current stock isn’t anything gigantic, but every so often I find gold nuggets while digging through their inventory and today, I struck gold. For $3 each, I found 2 pewter models that I couldn’t pass up: a Stormboy Nob with Power Klaw and a Space Marine Librarian.

Now I don’t really play Space Marines. I have a Space Marine army that I thought my wife would want to play, but that blew up in my face. Long story. Regardless, a $3 pewter Libby was too good to pass up in my opinion.
As for the Stormboy Nob… C’mon now. I run only classic Stormboy models in my army as I prefer them over the current/new sculpt. With this Nob, I can break up my big blobs of Stormboyz into much more tactically sound squads when the mood strikes.
Overall, not a bad score.